is your best choice to buy Home Improvement and Decor products online. We stand behind our products and guarantee your satisfaction with every order. If, for any reason, your shipment is not satisfactory, we will gladly replace it or accept a return of the merchandise. (Click here to see our return policy.)
If you need to return or exchange an item, please follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Acquire authorization and instructions
Please contact our customer service to get an authorization for return or exchange first. Fill out a “Return & Exchange” form and include as many details as possible.
Step 2 - Ship product back
After getting the authorization from our customer service, please send the item together with the “Return & Exchange” form back to us as soon as possible.
Step 3 – Refund or exchange
When we receive your return, we will inspect the item in 3-5 working days and then provide a replacement or issue a refund.